NAYADA ArchiChallenge is an international creative contest that gives
young and talented architecture and design professionals a chance to real-
ize their projects and present them to the public.
First organized in 2005, under the name of “Office Spaces: Creativity, Tech-
nologies, Innovations”, the ArchiChallenge Contest was the first creative
competition in Russia for designers of office interiors and equipment. Dur-
ing the seven years of this contest, over 1,500 works have been submitted.
Many bright projects have already been realized at NAYADA’s production
NAYADA is always open for cooperation with active and ambitious spe-
cialists willing to develop and promote their ideas. In ArchiChallenge par-
ticipants, we welcome the qualities that are the priority for our company:
progressive views and fresh ideas, technical and esthetical innovations,
courage and a responsible approach to utilized resources.
Young designers have a unique opportunity to have works presented at in-
ternational exhibitions and launching their projects into batch production,
with their further sales in the global market.
One such participant is Arseny Leonovich, a prizewinner of the NAYADA
ArchiChallenge: Object 2012 in the “Furniture for Co-Working” category.
His Ostrova (Islands) workstation has already been appreciated by the in-
ternational community of professionals.
We seem to spend our entire lives behind our desk (desks) – we learn to play, read and write,
sculpt and model, we solve problems, we sit on the Internet, draw and paint, eat and sleep...
And these desks are always SQUARES (!) or, more rarely, ROUND tables!
And then – the desire starts building up inside us, to see these very flat surfaces made “for
everything” - at least sometimes, somehow DIFFERENT!
Let each child and adult find the shape, color and finish, choose the combination they de-
sire, for work or for play.
Those who are not afraid – will see their living sculptures, functional and ergonomic, very
austere or fully unrestricted.
Arseny Leonovich